
This activity was actually pretty interensting. I enjoyed having people from all over the world share their opinions about digital identity, besides the recommendations they gave us and the answers to our questions were interesting.

I believe this turned out better than Ken expected, even though at the beginning everyone was kind of lost about what we were doing. Maybe as a recommendation I would say to have a little more work durng the week, not that the hangouts were boring or anything like that, but perhaps we had a little more extra time to kill that everyone used as they pleased.

Anyway, I just want to thank Ken for making this iWeek better than expected and always sharing his enthusiasm and passion on his students he’s definitely one of the best teachers I’ve ever known. Keep up with the good work Ken!!

#iWeek #iTecGDA

Blogging vs Vlogging

Blogging or vlogging? What do you guys think about these? Do you think that one is better than the other one?

In my opinion (and more than in my opinion, in my life), vlogging has a greater impact in society than blogs; I believe this is because:

  1. The newer generations are either too lazy to read (not my case though), or they’ve only watched videos during their short lives, so they’re used to that.
  2. Vlogging is more entertaining than blogging. This is because you can have music, images, videos, just whatever people enjoy a lot, and that makes it way more fun than just reading and reading. I find long blogs really boring, and usually I don’t make it all the way til the end.

On the other hand, I believe there are some advantages on blogging that you cannot show in a videoblog. For example, just as it happens between books and movies, reading gets your imagination going, you experience emotions on your own and interpret ideas differently than a video, which doesn’t let you imagine anything, but it shows you all the author wants you to see.

In the end, it’s not aBOUT (Ken’s Canadian accent) which one is better than the other one, but which one works better for you, either as an author or as a reader/viewer. Here is an article I found about this topic which I found very interesting.

#iWeek #iTecGDA

Video about things that I like

So this is the video we got to make for Diego Zavala. Please excuse my 4th grade habilites to make videos.

So Diego spoke about the differences between letters and multimedia, which is quite a big difference. I believe he is right, because while writing a blog you only need words to share, in a video you need so may tools, so many different things like music, sound, images, clips, editing, format, etc…

The tools he showed us are pretty awesome. I suck at this editing stuff, pictures, videos, I just hate all of them (just look at the video I made), but I think that anyone who has the time to dig into it and learn the right tools you can do pretty cool videos with simple tools.

#iWeek #iTecGDA

Visitor vs Resident

The talk from yesterday was actually quite interesting (not that the others weren’t, but I liked this one a little more). I guess I never thought about social media in the way we saw it yesterday. It makes you realize and reflex on how long you actually spend on each social media and what you use it for. For example, I never thought of Google Drive as something you could divide in professional and personal, since I always looked at it as something I use mostly for myself, but as a matter of fact, I founf out that I use it more for school stuff, not really my personal documents and pictures.

In case you want to dig more into it, here is a video that explains what visitor and resident is:

#iWeek #iTecGDA


So this was the activity for today. It was actually pretty cool to analize how we use different social media, and this made me realize about the time that I spend on each one. Of course I spent most of my time on the most personal and resident, which is Whatsapp. But at the same time one of the most used is on the other side, Blackboard, which is quite important for me everyday because of all the things that I have to do… Also, Google Drive is one of the most used, since I use it both for personal and professional stuff.
